
Chapter 8 - Blanco - while smurf

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In the dream a white smurf saw a very strange picture, like he woke up in the village. He saw the Smurfs doing their own thing and help each other. Suddenly he sees before him a smurf like him same color. He was dressed in dark blue pants, and wore a cap, his eyes were red as roses and skin as white as the moon. He chatted and laughed with the Loudmouth, Strongman and the Joker. Their fun came the Pope and the white smurf rushed to him with hugs. He watched this and saw in their faces joy.
Then he heard the birds ' songs and realized that morning had come. He stood up and walked to the door. Door, he said and looked around, seeing the table, standing in place, bookshelves untouched, and everything else. He's in his blue mushroom house.
- "How I found myself in his house, he pondered and sat on the chair at the entrance door. – I remember exactly. Paint with me came together. I ran away from the village. Fell into the clutches of the sorcerer, and then fainted and..."
He stopped and could not understand how he got home if he escaped from the village. He looked at himself in the mirror and saw that he was white with red eyes and dressed in white clothes. Outside he heard the merry songs which were sung to the Smurfs. He looked out the window and saw that the Smurfs were preparing for the holiday, but in honor of what, could not understand. When Handsome passed by, admiring herself in the mirror, he noticed that the white smurf woke up.
Hey guys, ' exclaimed the Beau, and all drew a sight on him. Our friend woke up. And, it seems, he admires the holiday that we do.
All the Smurfs looked out the window and saw his friend. In the joyful screams they ran to him. But he closed the window, and the Smurfs stopped trying to figure out what it is. His house suited to the Athlete and calmly knocked on the door.
- Hey, what are you doing? Get out, ' said the Strongman, and to home runs.
- Open. Don't worry, you're safe – encouraged Screamer of his white friend. – Gargamel here. We saved you. You're home now.
At these words the white Princess responded. So they saved him and brought back to the village. But why they did it. And then he decides to go, despite its color. Slowly opening the door, it opens and slowly comes to the Smurfs. The Smurfs all look at him and see a little shy in front of everyone. From the crowd came a Grumpy – grouchy smurf in the village, but sometimes shows kindness.
- I hate different color - grumpy said he and white mourn. But then along comes a wry smile and hugs him. But I don't like Smurfs, who have no friends.
White smurf couldn't believe his ears. He thought that the Smurfs won't take it from white, and she sadly looked at him and shared his feelings. Everybody came over and hugged him, showing her feelings to him, and a white smurf cried. Finally there are those who are not afraid of because of his color and contrast, the color that attracts others, as it even cute than blue. Among the crowd ran a Screamer with sad dog eyes. White Smurf saw it, and was slightly puzzled.
- What is it? he asked everyone and he was approached by the Daredevil.
From us all, Barker was more worried about you – he explained, looking at the Loudmouth. He was scared that you were gone from the village forever. And he wants you to stay and wants to be friends, despite the fact that you are different.
White smurf was dumbfounded and couldn't believe it. All the Smurfs, even Screamer was worried about him. Seeing how they are kind and care about others, he turns his attention to the Crier, who still sits and stares sadly at him.
The screamer anyway, what you said whining. – I still want to be friends with you.
Hearing the words from a friend who didn't want to leave, white smurf could not resist tears of joy and hugged him. They both cried tears of joy as friends and all the Smurfs were happy for them. After they all sat down at the table, and approached Papa Smurf.
- My dear Smurfs, solemnly said Dad, raising his glass. – Today we celebrate the arrival of the new smurf birthday... - he stopped and looked at the smurf.
He realized that the kid has no name, and Roach was temporary. Mental deliberation, he chose at last a suitable name for him.
Blanco Smurf, solemnly proclaimed by the Pope, and the Smurfs yelled cheers in honor of the new family member.
Blanco? – interested in it and looking at Dad.
Is your name, my little smurf. Your real name forever, strongly confirmed the Pope and embraced the White Smurf.
- But I - sadly he says, looking at everyone. But I'm not a smurf. Because I'm different.
Then out from the table, stood a Smart guy and spoke the words that my father said:
- As always said Papa Smurf. No matter blue or another you just always remember. You're a smurf.
"Yes," was supported by the Tailor. You helped me in hard work.
- Worked together on the charger all the time - proudly said the Strong man. And we will continue to do so.
- Yes, you're beautiful, says the Handsome and gave him a mirror. – Your color is more attracted than scared.
You're just like me not because of the color, but what do you in the shower - invigorated the Artist showed a picture with a painted smurf.
The Smurfs looked, and all stood Brave. He walked over and took the brush and the painter and dyed clothes. When he changed, she looked different. All the Smurfs, even the albino liked it. Looking at the picture and smurf, Tailor immediately ran to his house. The Smurfs were worried the Tailor, what happened to him and why he ran to his house. Then he runs out, holding a beautiful new blue uniform for a white smurf.
- For example, ' said the Tailor, and handed her the pants and cap.
White smurf Blanco awkwardly looked at all of the Smurfs, and didn't know what to say about this. Then looked at Dad, but then with a smile looked at him, making it clear that all is well. He calmly took from the hands of the Tailor, dressed for the house not to blush in front of everyone, and went out in them, like a new smurf.
- OOO. On even. He is now a cute as the picture, exclaimed Softy and admires his new friend.
I hate blue, ' said Grumpy, and then pulled a smile. Because it displays our colors.
Blanco Smurf approached the father and said:
- It makes me uncomfortable.
"Nothing," replied Dad. – You'll get used to it.
The smurf looked at them all and realized that, despite the fact that he is white, they will not leave. And despite the fact that he is different, he is still a smurf. And then the white smurf decides to do what he thought proper, to tell them the truth.
- I know you think now, started Blanco and sat down at the table with them. And I will not hide it. I'll tell you where I was, and what happened to me.
And Blanco began his story. Smurfs listened to that special Dad. He heard from the words of Blanco that he was raised by his mother stork. He immediately realized that the female stork had to bring a smurf, but she disappeared with him 140 years ago, and thought that the baby is not. And here is Blanco the same kid that he found the village in which he must live. Blanco said that in the dark night when he uttered his first word, the sky shone a star and stood in one and the same. Thanks to the beautiful girls Brunhilda that he saved from an evil spell, helped him to find the star. Dad remembered the star that shone over their village, and looked up at the sky and saw her no more. Blanco explained that when he found the village, the star immediately disappeared, making it clear to the kid that he found the house. And when he was finished, all the Smurfs looked at each other and talked about what went through their friend. Dad listened, all that said, Blanco and wept bitterly. Blanco noticed it and could not understand.
Papa Smurf, what happened? asked Blanco and looked at his parents.
I feel sorry for you Blanco. If I went out, it hurts he said and hugged me tightly to her baby, whom he has not seen his 140 years. If I noticed you. This would not have happened.
And all the Smurfs started to cry and sympathize with great sorrow about your brother. He was far from all, and they didn't know that there is another smurf, but different from the others. Blanco began to understand their feelings and hugged Dad.
- I understand, Dad, bitterly said Blanco. – However. If mom didn't tell me about you. I would would never found the village and would not have met you all. And I was not to found a family.
And then Smurfs stopped crying and looked at him. And he was right, if she hadn't told him about the village of the Smurfs, he began to live in the house of a woodcutter and spent there the rest of my life without a family. Screamer runs, and think not, Blanco sits down on his shoulders, full of happiness and fun. Blanco laughed and rejoiced, and could not hold them. Screamer offers to arrange a competition, and it decided to all participate.
There were competitions in jumping in sacks, running, jumping in the water in this competition Tailor made blue swimming trunks for Blanco. He blushed heavily, which caused a giggle of the Joker. But Blanco jumped in and made such a strong splash that splashed the Joker, Grumpy and Lazy who slept all the time and was awakened by a splash of water. This Grumpy instead of angry at the white smurf took and also made a splash. Blanco smiled and hugged the Grumpy man who didn't love that when trying on the day of the hug to hug, but Blanco made an exception. Also was organized a competition between Form and Tailor. They want to know who is the best of them sew clothes. Joker gave the signal for the explosion box, and both smurf started to do. They precisely and accurately cut fabric, sewed up the threads with a needle, and that time is up. All saw that they are both good in business and win together. Both were satisfied and shook hands, as the best tailors in the village.
- Well done Smurfs, congratulated Papa Smurf. Today you all proved to be. But most of all a good showing Blanco.
It is suitable for white smurf and wearing a gold medal winner.
- All the items you showed an honest debate with all, Daddy was saying. And we award you a medal, as an honest smurf, who distinguished themselves in competitions.
Blanco, rubbing his hands, not knowing what to tell them, but he was happy. He looked at the medal, wiped it, and saw a picture of a smurf in the hood. He made lynx smile and hugged Papa Smurf as a father. Dad hugged and felt happy.
Let's dance with - offered a Nerd, and all agreed to do the dance of 100 Smurfs.
- Can I go with you? asked them Blanco.
"Of course," all at once.
And all rose on the places the Pope on a mushroom stood a conductor's baton, some took up instruments to play, the rest stood in a row for a dance. Waving her wand Papa, the Smurfs began to play while others dance. This time, Blanco danced and had fun, keeping up with others. Next to him danced in a number of Daredevil, Loudmouth, Clumsy, Nerd, Athlete, Tailor and Grumpy, the other at the expense of tomorrow. Under the dance Blanco smiled happily and laughed. After a separation with my mother, living in the forest, meeting with Brunhilda and Gargamel, he finally found what had been his cherished dream – his family.
the real Creator of this character shini-smurf
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